Iran – a mysterious and beautiful Persia


IRAN – beautiful parks, the most colorful mosques and traditional tearooms. The most beautiful squares of the world – Imam Square has an atribute half of the world alias Naqsh-e Jahan, the other half is allegedly in paradise. The country where they demolish houses to expand parks, the country of great, hospitable and well-educated people. Surprisingly cultivated country with the cleanliness we can only envy. One of the safest countries in the world. Journey of a lifetime. Low-budget independent travelling with guide, photojourney for all in small group from 4 to 8 people.

The way is the goal and the best things are free. We will taste kebabs, fesenjan, doogh, badenjan, abgusht, khorest – you will pay for these, but it will be worth it. The corresponding clothes for both sexes is neccessary to be respected. It does not limit you, and you will show respect towards the natives.


1st – 2nd day: By air Vienna – Tehran. Modern and hectic city with 14 million inhabitants. The biggest local „treasure“ is the National Jewellery Museum. Galore of gems will impress you. Peacock throne of 26733 gems, 34-kilogramme gold Globe inlaid with ruby (mainland) and emeralds (seas). Crown Jewels from 1797 used by overthrown Shah and his wife, the world’s largest pink diamond.

A few hours spent away from the bustling metropolis will also come in handy. Super surprise – visit to the tomb complex of Ayatollah Khomeini. Visitors create a varied mix of nationalities from all areas of the country. Did you know that Persians are only about half the population of Iran? After a short rest we will head by night sleeping train to the desert city of Yazd with an unusual atmosphere.

3rd – 5th day: Yazd – Typical ventilation towers, noble teahouses lost in the bazaar, traditional naan bread – the size of 1 × 1 meter and also the highest minarets in Iran. The centre of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world and their mounds – Zoroastrian towers of silence. Overnight in a wonderful traditional hotel full of greenery with an atrium and a water tank in the heart of the old quarter. Simply a paradise for lovers of photography. Gardens Dowlatabad with the highest functional ventilation towers – badgirs in the world. Mysterious martial sport Zurkhaneh . We cannot let it be. Visit to a Zoroastrian village of Cham with the towers of silence, still untouched by tourism and 3500 years old village Kanaragh with one of the world’s oldest aqueducts and trembling unique minaret. Unsurpassed scenery around – short nice stroll with a local guide. We will not miss the Zoroastrian pilgrim shrine Chak-Chak located high in the mountains. Transfers by hired air-conditioned minibus with a driver which will be available for us almost until the end of our journey through the magical Persia.

6th – 8th day: a gorgeous wild Dasht-e Lut desert. We are only 7 hours away from the Pakistani border. Short stop for tea – Zein-o-Din Caravanserai and there is Iranian „Monument Valley“, an exceptional natural phenomenon, which any Slovak TA does not offer. We will travel through the hottest place on Earth where the satellite recently measured temperature 70.7 degrees of Celsius.

Mahan – Persian architectural gem. Beautiful mosque with the tomb of Sufi saint Shah Ne’emat Ollah-e-Vali . Beautiful views from the roof of the mosque and minarets. Terraced gardens Shahzadeh with the panorama of four-thousand peaks. One of the most beautiful and most poetical towns of Iran. Majestic earthen fort Arg-e Rayen still inhabited 150 years ago founded in the Sassanian era. It offers us an idea of ​​how nearby fabulous Arg-e Bam looked like before being destroyed by earthquake in 2003, although on a smaller scale. Transfer by minibus from Mahan to Shiraz through the Zagros Mountains. A fascinating mountain scenery and photogenic salt lakes along our route. Shiraz – the city of vines, roses, nightingales and dates. The most beautiful Persian is spoken here and according to natives the most beautiful women live here. Stunning garden Bagh-e Eram and Narajestan. Full-of-life mosques Shah-e Cherag, citadel Arg-e Karim Khan and its surrounding. Majestic mausoleums of poets and magnificent bazaar with traditional teahouses.

Transfer by minibus from Shiraz to Isfahan through Persepolis. UNESCO site – 2500 years ago the capital city of the Persian Empire, hall of 100 columns, monumental staircase with magnificent friezes depicting conquered nations bringing gifts to the monarch. A place where so infamous Alexander the Great entered into the history. Majestic Naqsh-e Rustam – tombs of Darius I and II and Xerxes. The tomb of Cyrus the Great in Pasargad. Hence the term „paradise“.

9th – 11th day: Isfahan – one of the most beautiful cities in the world with a peaceful atmosphere, where you can easily walk almost everywhere. Imam Square – UNESCO site, Ali Qapu Palace, Sheikh Lotfollah mosque and Imam mosque. At tea, water pipe and confectionery, we will enjoy it for long hours. The former polo playground. We will have great ice cream, literally sit, lie around in a local luxurious restaurant. All at great prices close to zero. 

Bazaar with bargain carpets. Do you want Turkmen pattern or Kashan? Hasht Behesht palace and Chehel Sotoun palace. The historic arch bridges with inbuilt teahouses. Resting zones near the river, a few kilometer-long wonderful parks and never ending picnics of locals. We will also relax here. Invitation for tea is not possible to refuse. People from across the country camp here for weeks. Armenian Vank Cathedral. We will find out why every Iranian has „own“ Armenian. Are you attracted to visit local family?

12th – 13th day: A Journey to the airport in Tehran, with a stop in a traditional village built of red clay – in Abyaneh. Charming city Kashan – beautiful merchant houses and traditional Persian garden in the nearby Fine. Remains of a settlement and ziggurat in archaeological site Tepeh Sialk. Its origins date back incredible 5500-6000 years BC. Final lunch in the garden restaurant with cannals with running water. We will see how rosewater is distilled. Full of adventure, passion, respect and admiration we will undergo an early morning flight to Vienna on 13th day of our trip.

The price includes airticket Vienna – Tehran, including fees, full transportation in Iran, taxi and local buses (Volvo, Mercedes, Scania), accommodation in simple traveller hotels, Slovak guide who has regularly visited the country for 12 years, plans of cities, fee for Iranian agency to arrange visa.

The price does not include transportation to / from Vienna airport, Iranian visa (60 EUR), food (about 4-7 EUR / day), admission fees (about 25 EUR), travel insurance.


  • Price: 1550 EUR


photo: Martin Žilka –

IRAN 2011 from FotoFilm production on Vimeo.

Prihláška na zájazd Irán – tajomná a krásna Perzia

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